
M.A.R.C.O. GmbH & Co. KG
Institute for Clinical Research and Statistics

Schirmerstr. 71
40211 Duesseldorf


Phone: 0049 (0) 211 / 977 933
Fax: 0049 (0) 211 / 977 93-51


Managing Director: Dr. Manfred Wargenau
Local Court: Duesseldorf, HRA 18385

General Partner: M.A.R.C.O. kernel GmbH
Local Court: Duesseldorf, HRB 52950

German VAT ID No.: DE 814 609 870


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Through everything possible royalty-free stoch photo number: 274626086, business documents on office table

Through ImageFlow royalty-free stoch photo number: 450813313, Businessman drawing abstract financial charts